In the modern day almost every family can benefit from a counseling psychologist who provides guidance and problem solving, for addictions to dealing with chronic illnesses. More and more people from all over the world suffer from depression, and if it wasn’t for the help that these psychologists offer, many of these depression cases would lead to fatalities. With the assistance of counsellingpsychologists, people can deal with their issues more effectively.


The following are some popular symptoms of treatable illnesses and addictions: The symptoms of depression include general feelings of sadness and lack of joy, changes in appetite, lack of motivation, and difficulty sleeping or constant feelings of tiredness. A counselling psychologist can also help with anger management. Everyone gets angry at some point during a day or time, but you may have anger issues if you often or always feel agitated, have angry outbursts or uncontrollable anger and aggression towards other people. Anger can have a major impact on anyone’s life and can the people in your life. Anger management counselling will help the patient to understand where his or her anger comes from and what triggers it. It will provide the patient with the tools and guidelines to help deal with angry emotions more appropriately and effectively.

Addictions are complex and each addiction differs from person to person. Psychologists help the patient to recognise and address the factors that contribute to the addiction in order for the patient to break the addictive behaviour and self destructive cycle. Addiction damages the addict physically and mentally, thus counselling is the most effective approach to help any individual struggling with such a problem.


Counselling psychologists are available in many accredited institutes worldwide and are easy to find.  At Bella Vida Centre you will learn a range of appropriate methods and guidelines from professional psychologists that will help you with your problems, visit and take charge of your life.


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